
for Mathematica

Download and Install

Release version

The 1.1.0 release of SimulationTools is available for download as either a gzipped tarball or a zip file:

Older versions are also available.

You will also need the h5mma HDF5 reader for Mathematica:

Extract each of these into the Mathematica Applications directory. To find the correct location of this directory on your system, run the following command in Mathematica:

  FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]

Development version

The development version can be downloaded using Git from BitBucket.

Change to the Mathematica applications directory. On Mac OS:

  cd $HOME/Library/Mathematica/Applications

and on Linux:

  cd $HOME/.Mathematica/Applications

Clone the BitBucket SimulationTools Git repository:

  git clone --recursive

Since the development version of h5mma must be compiled from source, it is usually much easier to use the release version of h5mma from the tarball above. If you want to use the development version of h5mma, see its BitBucket page, along with instructions for compiling (this can be complicated due to the dependencies).